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The most common types of mechanical seals

To date, the market is so oversaturated with offers of mechanical seals, that many consumers are beginning to get confused about the markings and the types of their execution.

Therefore, today's article will be devoted to the most common types of mechanical seals offered by the AvtokomTehnolodgy group of companies that are used not only in pumps and agitators in large plants, be it breweries, food or refineries, but also used in household pumps of your houses, baths, wells.

The most popular mechanical seals
The most common types of mechanical seals
The most common modifications of mechanical seals
The most common mechanical seals

One of the most common types of mechanical seals to date, is a seal with a conical spring and O-ring. These and other mechanical seals, or as they are called mechanical seals, which we offer, are produced in Serbia at the Kroma plant and meet the requirements for seats in accordance with DIN 24960. The modifications of our products are similar to the original, and can be replaced with seals in which rubber bellows are often torn. Our seals are completely interchangeable in their landing dimensions with standard seals from manufacturers Burgmann, John Crane, Aesseal, Roten, etc. This type of seals is used in circulating and submersible pumps of companies such as Calpeda, DAB, Ebara, Lowara, Wilo and others.

Also, the end seals with rubber bellows, used in pumping equipment, have become widespread. One of the distinguishing features of such seals, produced by the Kroma plant, is a compact design. The strength and flexibility of the rubber bellows of our seals is the key to their uninterrupted and reliable operation on pumps and agitators, regardless of the direction of rotation of the shaft. The wavy profile of the bellows of these seals makes them more resistant to clogging when in contact with low-viscosity and slightly abrasive working fluids. Designed especially for conditions of limited space and gland depth, the bellows seals made of our company provide reliable sealing of the rotating shaft for a longer period of time, over a wide range of temperatures. Such mechanical seals are used on pumping equipment of such companies as KSB, Grundfos, Johnson Pump, as well as in domestic pumps of ONC, GNOM and many others.

Mechanical seals with central spring NS-1 / NS-DN

Торцевое уплотнение с центральной пружиной NS-1
Mechanical seals with rubber bellows NS-DN

Mechanical seals with rubber bellows NM-1 / NM-12 / NM-13 и NM-2100

Mechanical seals with rubber bellows NM-1
Mechanical seals with rubber bellows NM-12
Mechanical seals with rubber bellows NM-13
Mechanical seals with rubber bellows NM-2100

Прочность и гибкость резиновых сильфонов наших уплотнений, является залогом их бесперебойной и надежной работы на насосах и мешалках в не зависимости от направления вращения вала. Волнистый профиль сильфона данных уплотнений, делает их более устойчивыми к засорению при контакте с маловязкими и малоабразивными рабочими жидкостями. Разработанные специально для условий ограниченного пространства и глубины сальника, сильфонные уплотнения из эластомера, поставляемые нашей компанией, обеспечивают надёжную герметизацию вращающегося вала на более продолжительный срок, в широком диапазоне температур. Такие торцевые уплотнения используются на насосном оборудовании таких фирм как KSB, Grundfos, Johnson Pump, а также в отечественных насосах ОНЦ, ГНОМ и многих других.

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