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17 january 2023
Система менеджмента качества «ГК АВТОКОМТЕХНОЛОДЖИ» в очередной раз признана соответствующей требованиям стандарта ISO 9001:2015

The quality management system of AVTOKOMTECHNOLOGY Group LLC has been tested and once again recognized as meeting the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard for the design and production of rubber products, plastic and metal products.

According to the Quality Policy approved by the General Director of GC AVTOKOMTEHNOLODZHI LLC, the activities of GC Avtokomtehnolodzhi LLC are aimed at constantly improving customer satisfaction, improving the quality of products and services provided.

Certificate of Conformity No. 22.2216.026 dated December 30, 2022 was issued based on the results of a re-certification inspection held at the enterprise at the end of 2022.

The certificate confirms that the company's activities in the field of quality management system organization comply with national standards.


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